Friday, August 2, 2013

SS5 Shanghai promo clip

SS5 Shanghai promo clip

EH: Hi, we are Super Junior. Today we, Super Junior, are going to bring you good news! It's really good news for our China fans. What is it?
DH: Kangin should know.
KI: Of course I know. Our Super Show 5 concert is going to Shanghai to meet our Shanghai fans.
All: Shanghai Shanghai~~ Twisting and dancing
EH: When is it?
DH: Shindong should know.
SD: Of course I know, I always know the dates. It should be August!! 10...!!
All: No...
SD: It isn't? On the 24th? Really? When did we change the date?
KH: (In Chinese) 24 August
EH: Do you know where it is?
SW: Shindong should know.
SD: Of course I know.
SW: Shindong likes it...
SD: It should be something arena...
KH: It's very famous, the car is famous.
SD: Don't tell me it's Benz Arena.
EH: Benz arena. On 24 Aug we will be going to Benz Arena to meet everyone. 24 August is a special day.
DH: Shindong should know what day it is.
KH: Birthday, birthday
EH: Brithday, whose birthday is it?
SD: It is Yesung's birthday?
EH: Yes, it's Yesung's birthday. Super Junior without Yesung will be seeing everyone.
SW: We cannot have him, we cannot have him.
KH: Without him.
EH: We will perform the concert with a congratulating mood. Hope everyone will support it. Spend the happy time with us. Goodbye, we are Super Junior
SW: Shanghai Shanghai.